Dan Margalit --- About --- CV --- People --- Research --- Books --- Teaching --- CUBE --- Outreach


A Primer on Mapping Class Groups
---w/ Benson Farb
---Princeton Mathematical Series, Princeton University Press, 2011.
---Available at Princeton University Press and Amazon

SIAM review by Danny Calegari.
AMS review by Mladen Bestvina.
MAA review by Scott A. Taylor.
EMS review by Raquel Díaz and Álvarado Martínez


Thurston's Work on Surfaces
Translation of Travaux de Thurston sur les Surfaces, edited by Albert Fathi,
François Laudenbach, and Valentin Poénaru
---w/ Djun Kim
---Mathematical Notes series, Princeton University Press, 2012.
---Available at Princeton University Press and Amazon

Here is a review I wrote for Bulletin of the AMS.
MAA review by Scott Taylor.

Office Hours

Office Hours with a Geometric Group Theorist
---edited w/ Matt Clay
---Princeton University Press
---Available at Princeton University Press and Amazon.

Blog review by Daniel Moskovich.
CMS review by Dale Rolfsen.
Americal Mathematical Monthly review by Tullia Dymarz.
MathSciNet review by Andy Putman.
Mathematical Gazette review by Mark Hunacek

A list of errata.

Pictures of satisfied customers.


Interactive Linear Algebra
---w/ Joseph Rabinoff
This is a free, interactive, online introductory text for linear algebra.
It was specifically designed for Math 1553 at Georgia Tech.
Click on the animated image to access the text.
Craig Chamberlain made homework sets in MyOpenMath (courseid: 255622)
Some testimonials.

A discussion on Hacker news.


Little book of Limits and Continuity
This is a draft. We cover limits and continuity without ε-δ.
Instead of this analytic approach, we favor a topological approach.
Click on the image to access the text.