Math 1553
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Sections H & J
Spring 2016

Course Objectives

This is a basic, first course in linear algebra. The main goals are to understand matrices and systems of linear equations, to learn to solve problems from a mathematical perspective, and to prepare for the many applications of linear algebra in other science and engineering courses. Specifically objectives include:


Prof. Dan Margalit
Skiles 244
(404) 894-2715

Learning Assistants

Section H: Baishen Huang and Shivang Sullere
Section J: Scott Guan, Matthew Krumwiede, and Yashvi Shah

Class Meetings

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 11:05-11:55 (Section H) and 1:05-1:55 (Section J) in Clough 144.


Students with a Pearson code can access the text via MyMathLab. The course id is margalit31057. Note: While the Pearson code is not required for this course, you are likely to need the code for other Math courses you take at GaTech, and so most likely buying the code now will save you money in the long run.

Office Hours

Prof. Margalit, Skiles 244 or 236, Tue 2-3, Wed 2-3, and by appointment

Scott Guan, Skiles 230, Mon 12-1
Yashvi Shah, Skiles 230, Mon 2-3
Baishen Huang, Skiles 230, Wed 4-5
Matt Krumwiede, Skiles 230, Thu 3-4
Shivang Sullere, Skiles 230, Tue 5-6

Math Lab

Drop-in help, Clough 280. The Math Lab will be strictly devoted to Math 1553 5:00-6:00 Monday through Thursday and 11:00-12:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Math Lab is also open for all classes Mondays and Wednesdays 11-5, and Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-5. Our Learning Assistants will be in the Math Lab at the following times:

Matt Krumwiede: Tuesday 11-12
Scott Guan: Tuesday 5-6
Baishen Huang: Thu 11-12
Yashvi Shah: Thu 5-6
Shivang Sullere: Thu 5-6


There are three forms of homework.


Quizzes will be given during each Friday that has no exam (except the first). Quizzes will be based on the homework and additionally serve as practice for exams. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped.


The course will use Piazza, available via TSquare, to perform classroom polling. Student scores are based solely on participation. The three lowest participation scores will be dropped.


Week Date Sections Topics and Course Notes WebWork Homework Quiz/Exam
1 Jan 11 Overview
Jan 13 1.1 Linear systems
Jan 15 1.2 Row reduction Warmup
2 Jan 18 Martin Luther King Day
Jan 20 1.3 Vector equations
Jan 22 Snow Day
3 Jan 25 1.4 Matrix equations 1.1,1.2 Written Homework 1 Quiz 1: 1.1,1.2
Jan 27 1.5 Linear systems
Jan 29 1.3, 1.4 Written Homework 2 Quiz 2: 1.3,1.4
4 Feb 1 1.7 Linear independence
Feb 3 1.8 Linear transformations
Feb 5 Worksheet 1 1.5 Written Homework 3 Quiz 3: 1.5
5 Feb 8 1.9 Matrix of a linear transformation
Feb 10 Review Practice 1
Feb 12 Chapter 1 Linear equations 1.8,1.9 Exam 1
6 Feb 15 2.1,2.2 Matrix Algebra / Inverses
Feb 17 2.3 Invertible matrices
Feb 19 Worksheet 2 2.1, 2.2 Written Homework 4 Quiz 4: 2.1, 2.2
7 Feb 22 2.5 LU decomposition
Feb 24 2.8 Subspaces
Feb 26 2.3, 2.5 Written Homework 5 Quiz 5: 2.3, 2.5
8 Feb 29 2.9 Dimension and rank
Mar 2 3.1 Determinants
Mar 4 2.8, 2.9 Written Homework 6 Quiz 6: 2.8, 2.9
9 Mar 7 3.2 Properties of determinants
Mar 9 Review Practice 2
Mar 11 Chapters 2-3 Matrix algebra 3.1, 3.2 Exam 2
10 Mar 14 5.1 Eigenvectors
Mar 16 5.2 Characteristic polynomial
Mar 18 Worksheet 6 5.1 Written Homework 7 Quiz 7: 5.1
Mar 21 Spring break
Mar 23 Spring break
Mar 25 Spring break
11 Mar 28 5.3 Diagonalization
Mar 30 5.5 Complex eigenvalues
April 1 5.2, 5.3 Written Homework 8 Quiz 8: 5.2,5.3
12 Apr 4 5.5 Complex eigenvalues
Apr 6 Review Practice 3
Apr 8 Chapter 5 Eigenvectors 5.5 Exam 3Exam 3
13 Apr 11 6.1 Inner products
Apr 13 6.2,6.3 Orthogonal projections
Apr 15 Worksheet 9 6.1, 6.2 Written Homework 9 Quiz 9: 6.1, 6.2
14 Apr 18 6.4 Gram-Schmidt and QR
Apr 20 6.5 Method of least squares
Apr 22 Worksheet 10 6.3, 6.4 Written Homework 10 Quiz 10: 6.3, 6.4
15 Apr 25 Review 6.5 Practice Final
16 May 2 Cumulative Linear algebra Final Exam Sec J, 2:50-5:40
May 4 Cumulative Linear algebra Final Exam Sec H, 8:00-10:50


Final grades will be computed according to the following scale:

Final Exam30%
The final exam score may be used to replace half of the lowest midterm score.


As a general rule, absences are excused for official Georgia Tech business only. I reserve the right to ask for a letter from the Dean of Students. If you have an official excuse for absence for an exam, you will be excused from that exam without penalty, meaning that your other exams will count for a larger portion of your grade.


Please do not use electronic devices during class for activities that are not related to class.


---Math 1553 HP Fall 2015

---Course notes Fall 2015

---Prof. Grodzinsky's Review Sheet


---Complex Eigenvalues and Factorization


---Math Lab, in Clough 280.

---Center for Academic Success, Drop in tutoring and one-on-one tutoring

---ADAPTS, Disabilities Services Program

---Honor code