For the revisions to the syllabus due to the corona virus, click here.

For most course information, including the course calendar, see the Math 1553 Master Site:

This is the master syllabus:

The textbook:

A complete set of slides (not the slides I use in class):

For WeBWorK, Piazza, Grades, etc. see Canvas:

For online discussions and polls you can go directly to Piazza:

For on-line access to the supplementary textbook see MyMathLab (course id: jankowski45035):


Dan Margalit
Lecture time
  • MW 9:05-9:55
Lecture location
Skiles 234
Office hours
Mon 3-4, Wed 2-3, and by appointment

Teaching Assistants

Studio time
  • F 9:05 - 9:55
TA Office Hours
  • Isabella Bowland, Wed 11-12, click here
  • Kyle Jiang, Wed 3-5, Thu 1-3, click here on Wed and here on Thu
  • Kalen Patton, Mon/Wed 1-2, click here
  • Sidhanth Raman, Tue 10:00-12:00, click here


The textbook for the course is Interactive Linear Algebra, by Dan Margalit and Joe Rabinoff. Click on the icon below.

Another resource is Lay's book Linear Algebra and its Applications. There is also an option for a bundle consisting of all of the linear algebra and calculus texts needed for the basic math courses at GaTech. You may want to purchase Lay or the bundle if (1) you want an extra reference for the material, (2) you want extra practice exercises, (3) you want access to the online exercises in MyMathLab, a proprietary tool for online homework, or (4) you are going to take calculus at GaTech (it is cheaper to buy the bundle than any individual parts). The choice between the book and the loose leaf version is up to you. Information about the bundle can be found here. Just to emphasize, I will not be using or discussing Lay's book, or assigning any problems from it, this semester. If you do want to use MyMathLab for the extra online homework, I highly recommend buying the bundle directly from the store (second hand codes might not work). This is completely your decision. You probably won't know until the middle of the semester whether you need/want more practice problems.

Other resources

Here is a slide deck that can be used as a reference for the whole course.

Here is a reference sheet containing most theorems and definitions that you will learn (and be responsible for knowing) over the course of the semester. It will be tweaked as we cover the material.

Here is the interactive row reducer.

There are some games related to the course here.

You can play Lights Out here. If you want to know what this has to do with linear algebra, ask me!

The master course web site has supplementary materials for each studio on the calendar there, as well as practice exams.

Here is the discussion of R0 I mentioned in the practice class.

Here is a video by Chris Jankowski showing an application of linear algebra to data compression.

Here is a list of suggestions for doing well in a math class, which applies very well to this course. And here is my addendum.


Homework will be assigned through WeBWorK, an online homework delivery platform accessible via Canvas. The due dates can be found on WeBWorK itself or on the course calendar on the master course web site.

Course Calendar and Materials

For worksheets, supplements, practice exams, and more, see the Master Course Web Site.
Date Topic Materials WeBWorK Quiz/Exam
M Jan 6 Overview Intro
W Jan 8 1.1 Systems of linear equations Slides    
F Jan 10 Studio: through 1.1 Warmup  
M Jan 13 1.2 Row reduction Slides    
W Jan 15 1.2 (continued) and 1.3 Parametric form Slides 1.1  
F Jan 17 Studio: 1.2 and 1.3 Quiz: 1.1
M Jan 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, No Class
W Jan 22 2.1 and 2.2: Vectors, vector equations, and spans 2.1 slides
2.2 slides
Jan 22 slides
1.2 and 1.3  
F Jan 24 Studio: 2.1 and 2.2   Quiz: 1.2 and 1.3
M Jan 27 2.3 Matrix equations 2.3 slides
Jan 27 slides
W Jan 29 2.4 Solution sets and 2.5 Linear independence 2.4 slides
2.5 slides
Jan 29 slides
F Jan 31 Studio: 2.3-2.5   Quiz: 2.1 and 2.2
M Feb 3 2.5 Linear independence (continued) Feb 3 slides    
W Feb 5 2.6 Subspaces 2.6 slides
Feb 5 slides
2.3, 2.4, 2.5  
F Feb 7 Midterm 1: through 2.5   Midterm 1
M Feb 10 2.7 and 2.9: Basis, dimension, Rank and basis theorems 2.7 slides
2.9 slides
Feb 10 slides
W Feb 12 3.1 Matrix transformations 3.1 slides
Feb 12 slides
F Feb 14 Studio: 2.7, 2.9, 3.1   No quiz
M Feb 17 3.2 One-to-one and onto transformations 3.2 slides
Feb 17 slides
W Feb 19 3.3 Linear transformations 3.3 slides
Feb 19 slides
2.7+2.9, 3.1  
F Feb 21 Studio: 3.2, 3.3   Quiz: 2.7, 2.9, 3.1
M Feb 24 3.4 and 3.5: Matrix multiplication and inverses 3.4 slides
3.5 slides
Feb 24 slides
W Feb 26 3.5 (continued) and 3.6: The invertible matrix theorem 3.6 slides
Feb 26 slides
3.2 and 3.3  
F Feb 28 Studio: 3.4-3.6   Quiz: 3.2 and 3.3
M Mar 2 4.1 Determinants 4.1 slides
Mar 2 slides
W Mar 4 Review Midterm 2 Review slides 3.4, 3.5, 3.6  
F Mar 6 Midterm 2: 2.6 through 3.6   Midterm 2
M Mar 9 4.2 and 4.3: Cofactor expansions, determinants, and volumes 4.2 slides
Mar 9 slides
W Mar 11 5.1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 5.1 slides
Mar 11 slides
Det. I and II  
F Mar 13 Studio: 4.1 and 5.1 No quiz
M Mar 16 Spring Break (no class)
W Mar 28
F Mar 20
M Mar 23 5.1 (continued) and 5.2 The characteristic polynomial Lights Out
Mar 23 slides
  Practice week
W Mar 25 5.4 Diagonalization R0
Mar 25 slides
Practice week
F Mar 27 Practice Studio Practice week
M Mar 30 5.2 The characteristic polynomial 5.2 slides
Mar 30 slides
W Apr 1 5.4 Diagonalization 5.4 slides
Apr 1 slides
F Apr 3 Studio: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 Quiz: Ch. 4 and 5.1
M Apr 6 5.5 Complex eigenvalues 5.5 slides
Apr 6 slides
Office hour notes
W Apr 8 5.6 Stochastic matrices 5.6 slides
Apr 8 slides
5.2 and 5.4  
F Apr 10 Studio 5.4-5.6 Quiz 5.2, 5.4
M Apr 13 6.1 Dot products and orthogonality 6.1 slides
6.2 slides
Apr 13 slides
W Apr 15 6.2 & 6.3 Orthogonal projections 6.3 slides
Apr 15 slides
5.5 and 5.6  
F Apr 17 Midterm 3: 4.1 through 5.6 Midterm 3
M Apr 20 6.5 Least squares 6.5 slides
Apr 20 slides
Tue Apr 28 Final Exam for ALL SECTIONS of Math 1553: 6:00pm–8:50pm (location to be determined)