Math 6441

Algebraic Topology

Spring 2022


-----------------------------------A.T. Fomenko

Class Meetings

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:30-10:20 am, Skiles 171. Masks are expected in class.



The lectures will be mainly based on these notes.

Office Hours

Fri 11-12 (Teams) and by appointment


There will be weekly homework assignments, generally assigned on Fridays. The due date is generally the following Friday at the start of the class. Late homework will be generally accepted through the weekend.


There will be a closed book, take home midterm during March 4-13. This will cover CW complexes, fundamental groups, covering spaces, and the basics of homology.

Final project

The final project is a writing assignment on any topic that is related to the course and not covered in the course. A (not exhaustive) list of ideas can be found below. Topics, along with at least two references are due March 31. First drafts are due April 17. Each student will give comments on at least three other drafts by April 25. The target due date for final drafts is April 29. All submissions will be posted on Teams in the appropriate channels.


Course grades will be determined by homework scores (60%), the midterm (20%), and the final project (20%). The lowest homework grade will be dropped. Standard cutoffs for letter grades apply, although these cutoffs may be lowered as warranted.

Weekly Schedule

Week Dates Topics Text Homework Lecture notes
1 Jan 10 Intro / Spaces Chapter 0 p. 18 #1,14,16,20,23 Jan 10
Jan 12
Jan 14
2 Jan 17 Fundamental group Section 1.1 p. 38 #5,6,A.1 Jan 19
Jan 21
3 Jan 24 Van Kampen's theorem Section 1.2 p. 38 #7,9,10,12,16 Jan 24
Jan 26
Jan 28
4 Jan 31 Covering spaces Section 1.3 p. 52 #4,8,9,16, p.79 #10 Jan 31
Feb 2
Feb 4
5 Feb 7 Covering spaces Section 1.3 p. 79 #4,9,12,14,18 Feb 7
Feb 9
Feb 11
6 Feb 14 Homology Section 2.1 p. 96 #2, p. 131 #4,5,6,9, and A.2 Feb 14
Feb 16
Feb 18
7 Feb 21 Relative homology Section 2.1 15,16,17,18,19 Feb 21
Feb 23
Feb 25
8 Feb 28 Excision / Mayer-Vietoris Section 2.2 Midterm Feb 28
Mar 2
Mar 4
9 Mar 7 Applications Section 2.B None Mar 7
Mar 9
Mar 11
10 Mar 14 Cohomology Section 3.1 p. 204 #5,6 & A.3 Mar 14
Mar 16
Mar 18
Spring Break
11 Mar 28 Cup product Section 3.2 p. 228 #1,3,7 Mar 28
Mar 30
Apr 1
12 Apr 4 Poincaré duality Section 3.3
Cup & Cap
p. 257 #24 (orientable case),25,26 Apr 4
Apr 6
Apr 8
13 Apr 11 Spectral sequences Spectral Sequences Apr11
Apr 13
14 Apr 18 Spectral sequences Spectral Sequences A.4, A.5 (optional) Apr 18
Apr 20
Apr 22
15 Apr 25 Spectral sequences Spectral Sequences Apr 25

Additional homework

  1. Prove that a contractible space is simply connected.
  2. Summarize the proof of Proposition 1B.9.
  3. Compute, directly from the definitions, the cohomology of Mg, the closed, connected, orientable surface of genus g.
  4. Compute the homology of the torus using the one-at-a-time spectral sequence.
  5. Compute the homology of the Klein bottle using the one-at-a-time spectral sequence.

Final project ideas

Algebraic Topology Resources

---Elementary Applied Topology, Robert Ghrist

---Spectral Sequences in Algebraic Topology, Allen Hatcher

---Introduction to Spectral Sequences, Michael Hutchings

---Spectral sequences via examples, Antonio Díaz Ramos

---Visualizing Poincare Duality, Lucien Clavier

---On proof and progress in mathematics, William Thurston

---Proof that R3 cannot be made into a field

---The carabiner trick, Matt Baker

---Colorings and coverings

Other Resources

---Counseling Center

---Georgia Tech Honor Code