This is the web site for Math 1553 Section M Fall 2021. For more course-wide information see the Canvas page.

For most course information, see the Math 1553 Syllabus:

The textbook:

Slides from my section last year:

Slides from the book:

For WeBWorK, Grades, etc. see Canvas:

For on-line access to the supplementary textbook see MyMathLab:

Other resources

Here is a reference sheet containing most theorems and definitions that you will learn (and be responsible for knowing) over the course of the semester.

Here is the interactive row reducer.

You can find old quizzes and exams here and here, for example

There are some games related to the course here.

You can play Lights Out here. If you want to know what this has to do with linear algebra, ask your instructor!

Quanta article about a fast linear algebra algorithm devised by GaTech faculty

New York Times article about the Napolean Dynamite problem

Recommendation algorithm with SVD

Here is a list of suggestions for doing well in a math class. And here is an addendum.

The Key to Success in College Is So Simple, It’s Almost Never Mentioned

Course Calendar and Materials

Date Topic Materials WeBWorK Quiz/Exam Remarks
M Aug 23 Overview and 1.1 Overview slides
Aug 23 slides
W Aug 25 1.1 Systems of linear equations 1.1 slides
Aug 25 slides
F Aug 27 Studio: through 1.1 No quiz  
M Aug 30 1.2 Row reduction 1.2 slides
Aug 30 slides
W Sep 1 1.3 Parametric form 1.3 slides
Sep 1 slides
F Sep 3 Studio: 1.2 and 1.3 Quiz: 1.1  
M Sep 6 Labor Day, No Class
W Sep 8 2.1 and 2.2: Vectors, vector equations, and spans 2.1 slides
2.2 slides
Sep 8 slides
1.2 and 1.3    
F Sep 10 Studio: 2.1-2.2   Quiz: 1.2 and 1.3  
M Sep 13 2.3 Matrix equations 2.3 slides
Sep 13
W Sep 15 2.4 Solution sets and 2.5, Linear independence 2.4 slides
Sep 15 slides
F Sep 17 Studio: 2.3-2.5   Quiz: 2.1-2.2  
M Sep 20 2.5 Linear independence (continued) 2.5 slides
Sep 20 slides
2.3 and 2.4    
W Sep 22 2.6 Subspaces 2.6 slides
Sep 22 slides
Midterm 1: through 2.4  
M Sep 27 2.7 and 2.9: Basis, dimension, Rank and basis theorems 2.7 slides
2.9 slides
Sep 27 slides
2.5 and 2.6    
W Sep 29 3.1 Matrix transformations 3.1 slides
Sep 29 slides
F Oct 1 Studio: 2.5 through 3.1   NO QUIZ  
M Oct 4 3.2 One-to-one and onto transformations 3.2 slides
Oct 4 slides
2.7+2.9, 3.1   Midsemester progress reports submitted by 12 PM
W Oct 6 3.3 Linear transformations 3.3 slides
Oct 6 slides
F Oct 8 Studio: 3.2-3.3   Quiz: 2.5-3.1  
M Oct 11 Mid-semester Break, No Class
W Oct 13 3.4 and 3.5: Matrix multiplication and inverses 3.4 slides
3.5 slides
Oct 13 slides
3.2 and 3.3
F Oct 15 Studio: 3.4-3.5   Quiz: 3.2-3.3
M Oct 18 3.6 The Invertible Matrix Theorem 3.6 slides
Oct 18 slides
W Oct 20 Review Oct 20 slides Midterm 2: 2.5 through 3.4  
M Oct 25 4.1 Determinants 4.1 slides
Oct 25 slides
W Oct 27 4.2: Cofactor expansions, determinants, and volumes 4.2 slides
Oct 27
F Oct 29 Studio: 3.6 and Chapter 4 NO QUIZ Withdrawal and Grade Mode Deadline, Oct. 30
M Nov 1 5.1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 5.1 slides
Nov 1
Det. I and II    
W Nov 3 5.2 The characteristic polynomial 5.2 slides
Nov 3 slides
F Nov 5 Studio: 5.1 and 5.2 Quiz: 3.5-3.6 and Chapter 4
M Nov 8 5.4 Diagonalization 5.4 slides
Nov 8 slides
5.1 and 5.2    
W Nov 10 5.5 Complex eigenvalues 5.5 slides
Nov 10 slides
F Nov 12 Studio: 5.4-5.5 Quiz: 5.1 and 5.2
M Nov 15 5.6 Stochastic matrices 5.6 slides
Nov 15 slides
5.4 and 5.5  
W Nov 17 6.1 Dot products and orthogonality 6.1 slides
Nov 17 slides
Midterm 3: 3.5 through 5.5  
M Nov 22 6.2 Orthogonal complements 6.2 slides
Nov 22
5.6 and 6.1  
W Nov 24 Thanksgiving Holiday, No Class
F Nov 26 Thanksgiving Holiday, No Studio
M Nov 29 6.3 Orthogonal projections 6.3 slides
Nov 29 slides
W Dec 1 6.5 Least squares 6.5 slides
Dec 1 slides
F Dec 3 Studio: 5.6 and Chapter 6   NO QUIZ
M Dec 6 Final exam review Dec 6 slides
Math 1553 slides
Tue Dec 14 Final Exam for ALL SECTIONS of Math 1553: 6:00pm–8:50pm